Would we be infected with corona virus if our immune system isn’t strong?
“The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection.” Well, that is the one main thing that can play a role in staying away from getting infected with the disease. As most of the studies have shown that strong immune system is the key to good health.
Especially in these days of covid-19, doctors and many medical specialists recommended to eat healthy foods and to stop any substance (drugs) consumption leading to weak immune system. It means that the answer to question raised is “yes”! Now how can we make our immune system strong and healthy? Here are some useful tips shared below:
5 Tips For Maintaining Strong Immune System:
- Eat Immune booster food:
Eating fruits and food containing Vitamin C can improve your immune system. There are some foods that boost immunity for example; eating citrus fruits like oranges and orange juice contains a great a source of vitamin C, even strawberries, kiwi, broccoli and potatoes can lead to improvement in immunity. In addition, foods such as berries, carrots and spinach that are rich in antioxidants can also enhance immunity.
- Better sleep:
According to Dr. Steven Tucker, an American oncologist and medical director of Tucker Medical, sleep is not a pillar of health but the bedrock foundation upon which all health, including immunity, is built. Sleep is among the main steps leading to good health and immune system. It can recharge the body in a way and give a chance to refresh. Getting sleep of 7 to 8 hours can help strengthen the immune system so it can fight off infection.
A daily workout helps in building as well as maintaining good health. Daily exercise is important and it can be in various ways. It is just to give the body a movement that is much needed. You can walk, go for cycling, run, jog, go to gym or simply can workout at home.
Healthy Lifestyle:
A healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy immune system. It can include having healthy diet, maintaining healthy weight, exercising, spending a good value time with family, reading books and vice versa. It also includes not doing smoking or using any unhealthy substances. Being positive with positive thoughts and behavior, where influences our mind also influences our immune system. The less the stress, the more good the immune system functions. It is said that when we take care of our bodies, it responds in performing well.
Drinking water:
According to the researches and medical professionals, drinking water is the most necessary for our body. To stay hydrated is important for proper immune system functioning. Drink water when you wake up, before you go to bed and in other time of the day. Keep a water bottle with you so you can have a track of how much water you drank in a day.
Is social distancing important:
COVID-19 spreads when people are in close contact with each other because the person infected, if coughs or sneezes, the droplets can go in the air and can land on the people near. This can result in infecting others and spreading the disease.
So staying in a distance, specifically 6 feet away, is important according to the studies.
Even there are some people who have symptoms that are not that visible, but still they are infected and can cause in spreading the disease.
Moreover, maintaining the 6 feet social distance is necessary. Social distancing is especially important for people who are at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
If you are sick with COVID-19, then it’s better to stay at home or to get admitted in the hospital, if the condition is severe until it is safe to be around others.
Therefore, maintaining and building a strong immunity is essential for a good health especially in these days of covid-19. You should eat healthy and clean food, take care of your health, and maintain social distance, for your own self and others.